Cyprus Mental Health Institute Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology 1302-7840 2667-8225 4 1 Turkish 4 N N Y 2022 03 09 Full Length Paper Father Education Program: An Experimental Study English Y 75 83 Yasemin Sorakın Turkish North Cyprus yasemin.sorakin@neu.edu.tr Y 0000-0003-4041-7903 Yağmur Çerkez Turkish North Cyprus yagmur.cerkez@neu.edu.tr N 0000-0002-3379-1035 :10.35365/ctjpp.22.1.08 Father education programs are defined as the trainings organized for the father to take a more active role in the development of the child, to have better time with his child, to establish healthy relationships and to develop fatherhood skills. With the father psycho-education program prepared, it is thought that fathers can have more sensitive relationships with their children and develop father-child interactions. Based on these views, the aim of the study is to strengthen and improve the father-child communication of the father psycho-education program. An experimental design with pre-test-post-test control group was used in the study. The universe of the research consists of fathers who live in Northern Cyprus and have children aged 3-6. The sample was determined using easily accessible sample variation, which is one of the purposeful sampling methods. Before the pretest application, it was especially preferred by the researcher that both groups have similar demographic structure. Accordingly, a total of 19 fathers, 10 fathers in the experimental group and 9 fathers in the control group, with children aged 3-6 years, participated in the study. In collecting the quantitative data of the study, the Personal Information Form created by the researcher to collect general information about the fathers and the Child-Parent Relationship Scale were used to measure the father-child relationship. The father psycho-education program prepared by the researcher consists of 8 sessions, once a week. Each session lasts 120 minutes. According to the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test conducted to examine parent-child communication before and after the Father Psycho-Education Program of the experimental group fathers, it was concluded that the father psycho-education program significantly improved father-child communication (p <0.05). According to the results of the Mann Whitney U-Test, which was conducted to examine the relationship between the father-child relationship between fathers who participated in the father psycho-education program and the fathers who did not attend such training, the parent-child communication of the fathers who participated in the father psycho-education program was significant compared to the fathers who did not participate in such a training program improved (p <0.05). According to the information obtained from the interview form applied to fathers, it is that the Father Psycho-Education Program has an important effect on strengthening father-child communication and increasing father participation.According to the findings, it was revealed that the applied father psycho-education program positively increased the father-child interaction English Father education; Parent education; Child development; Child education; Experimental study http://www.ktppdergisi.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/8-Father-Educat%C4%B1on-Program-An-Exper%C4%B1mental-Study.pdf http://www.ktppdergisi.com/baba-egitim-programi-deneysel-bir-calisma_ozet/ http://www.ktppdergisi.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/8-Father-Educat%C4%B1on-Program-An-Exper%C4%B1mental-Study.pdf Turkish References 82 83