Cyprus Mental Health Institute Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology 1302-7840 2667-8225 3 4 Turkish 3 N N Y 2021 12 01 Full Length Paper Sources of Employee Motivation During COVID – 19 Outbreak: Why is it Desired to Go to Work During Pandemic? English Y 250 260 Nihal Mamatoğlu Turkish Turkey mamatoglunihal@yahoo.com N 0000-0003- 1375-6782 Şeyhmus Aksoy Turkish Turkey seyhmus.aksoy1@gmail.com Y 0000-0001-6637-4126 Turkish Turkey N 10.35365/ctjpp.21.5.26 The main purpose of this study was to develop a scale that psychometric properties empirically tested and examine its structure which reveals desires of employees who go to work persistently even there is no pressure because of precautions taken and work life arrangements during COVID-19 Pandemic. The sample of the research consists of a total of 166 employees whose distribution rates were %47 female and %53 male. The results of factor analysis revealed that the new work behavior has a five-dimensional structure named “Fear Of Being Fired”, “Not to Trust Anybody Else”, “Escaping From Home Problems”, “Work Addiction” and “ShowUp”. This study indicated that work addiction, to show-up, fear of being fired, not being able to hand over work and home problems compose sources of employee motivation and consequently, Sources of Employee Motivation During COVID – 19 Outbreak Scale is reliable and valid for Turkish sample. English Covid – 19, Sources of motivation, organizational identity, organizational status, job satisfaction http://www.ktppdergisi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/2.Sources-of-Employee-Motivation-During-COVID19-Outbreak-Why-is-it-Desired-to-Go-to-Work-During-Pandemic.pdf http://www.ktppdergisi.com/saglik-calisanlarinda-depresif-anksiyete-ve-somatik-belirtileri-ile-algilanan-covid-19-tehdidinin-belirlenmesi_ozet/ http://www.ktppdergisi.com/covid-19-salgin-surecinde-calisanin-motivasyon-kaynaklari-pandemi-surecinde-neden-ise-gitmek-istenir_ozet/ English References 259 260