The language of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is Turkish and English. Articles published in full text in Turkish also contain the English title, abstract and keywords. Again, Articles Published in English contain Turkish title, abstract and keywords.

It is a policy that the Editorial Board attaches importance to the writing and grammar rules of the articles. It is expected that the articles should be written in an understandable, clear, and plain language in accordance with grammar, spelling rules and field writing.

Articles accepted for publication by the Editorial Board are read by language (Turkish, English) editors. During the evaluation process of the articles, the editorial board, referees, or language editors may suggest corrections regarding the writing of the article. It is the authors’ responsibility to make these corrections.

Authors seeking assistance with English language editing, translation, or figure and manuscript formatting to fit the journal’s specifications should consider using Cyprus Mental Health Institute Language Services. Visit Cyprus Mental Health Institute Language Services on