Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry & Psychology Vol.4 Issue.3
Investigation of the Relationship Between Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Future Anxiety by Canonical Correlation Analysis
Depresyon, Anksiyete, Stres ve Gelecek Kaygısı Arasındaki İlişkinin Kanonik Korelasyon Analizi ile İncelenmesi
Ahmet Türk1, Meral Öztürk2, Veda Bilican Gökkaya3
This study analyzes the relationship between depression, anxiety, stress; and negative emotions and expectations about the future, loss of motivation and hopelessness. Relational survey model was used in the research. 236 male and 302 female between the ages of 20-40 participated in the study. The mean age of the participants was 29.28±7.32. Personal information form, Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale and Beck Hopelessness Scale were given to participants via online. The relationship between the data sets was examined by Canonical Correlation Analysis. Findings show that young adults have high levels of depression and anxiety; and moderate levels of stress and future anxiety. There is a moderately significant relationship between variable data sets. When depression, anxiety and stress level decrease, negative feelings and expectations about the future, loss of motivation and hopelessness, also decrease. Depression in the Set-1 variable data set, negative emotions and expectations about the future in the Set-2 variable data set are the most predictive variables both for their own set and the other data set. The ratio of Set-1 dataset to Set-2 data set is 46.2%; the ratio of Set-2 data set to Set-1 data set is 35.6%. Based on the findings, it is concluded that protective, preventive and rehabilitative mental health services are important to reduce the depression, anxiety, stress levels and future anxiety of young people. In addition to psychiatrists and psychologists, psychiatric social workers can also play a supporting role in mental health services.
Keywords: depression, anxiety, stress, future anxiety, young adulthood
1MSc, Social Work Department, Social Sciences Institute, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey, [email protected], Orcid; 0000-0001-5782-3794.
2Assoc. Prof., Social Work Department, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey, [email protected], Orcid; 0000-0001-7570-5361
3Assoc. Prof., Social Work Department, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey, [email protected], Orcid; 0000-0001-5083-6445
Address of Correspondence/Yazışma Adresi: Ahmet Türk, Social Work Department, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey, E-mail: [email protected]
Date of Received/Geliş Tarihi: 02.03.2022, Date of Revision/Düzeltme Tarihi: 19.06.2022, Date of Acceptance/Kabul Tarihi: 18.07.2022, Date of Online Publication/Çevirimiçi Yayın Tarihi: 13.09.2022
Citing/Referans Gösterimi: Türk, A., Öztürk, M, & Bilican-Gökkaya, V. (2022). Investigation of the Relationship Between Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Future Anxiety by Canonical Correlation Analysis, Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry & Psychology, 4(3): 262-270
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Cyprus Mental Health Institute / Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology ( This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.